• 9-4-2018


The “Health and Community Outreach sub-Committee” has three main objectives.

We seek to:

  • address matters relating to the health and well-being of the students,
  • provide medical coverage for our outreach/ fund-raising events and
  • conduct at least one project of community outreach per year

The main event of the Health & Community Outreach Committee is our Annual School Entry Medicals for Grade 7 Students. These medicals are planned and performed primarily by past students of St. Hugh’s High School and are generally well received by students as well as parents/ guardians.


Proverbs 3:3 exhorts us “Let love and FAITHFULNESS never leave you; bind them around your neck and write them on the tablet of your heart.” It is in light of this, that our Association is forever LOYAL to our Alma Mater; and holding devotions once per term plays a significant role in this regard.

Usually the Association liaises with the school (Chaplain & Principal) for an ideal date each term to lead devotions. Devotions are usually centred on a main theme. The devotions usually consists of an item in song and a main message. All led by past students’ of St. Hugh’s.


The Programme was initiated by the SHPSA in the 2010/11 school year with a focus on Grade 7 students and grew to cover four grades in 2014/15. It encourages students to become Swans, through monthly rap sessions with a past student. Swans are ladies:

  • of grace and elegance – well behaved, well-groomed and with good manners, v confident in their academic and extra-curricular abilities,
  • with a sense of pride in their school’s history and achievement,
  • loyal to their sister swans, their school and nation, and v fearless advocates of school’s core values: Discipline, Respect, Integrity, Valour, Excellence


 This Committee coordinates activities with a view to connect Past Students from all over. Events may take the form of Membership Mixers/Lymes, General Meetings & Annual General Meetings. A database is maintained and updates are sent periodically to past students to inform them of the happenings of the School, the Association & Past Students in general.


The Sponsor-A-Swan programme is an outreach programme of the St. Hugh’s Past Students Association (SHPSA) which was started in September 2010 and is designed to assist those students in financial need.

Contribution to the programme is $3,000.00 per month. This amount $1,000.00 is used to purchase personal care articles and to purchase/top-up a bus card from the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC). The individual packages are collected by the respective students, from the SHPSA office, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The bus cards are topped up each month.


Sub-Committee                                             Convenor 

Devotions                                                Ms. Vivienne Williams 
Health & Community Outreach                  Dr. Judith Dallas
Sponsor a Swan                                       Mrs. Juliet Rothery Moodie
Membership                                             Dr. Tiffany Butterfield
Big Sister Group Mentoring                        Dr. Susan Otuokon


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